CG Artworks include paintings of colorful still life and objects, portraits, modern landscapes, collage, and The Post Personalism Project.
All of the works to some degree investigate meanings of being self-aware in the present moment.
California Rolling Hill # 2 | painting detail
PMM multimedia services help small business (or project owners) create content in a simple and creative way with a focus on brand identity.
Korea Wall Art "Pie Double Take" | detail of PMM client work
Apple 2 | painting detail
Christopher Gasper is a visual artist and creative professional with more than 20 years of experience working in retail and art organizations. He finds inspiration in art history, philosophy, pop culture, nature, friends and family.
He established Christopher Gasper Artworks and Project Media Mix LLC. in 2019 and works from his home studio office managing client business and creating artworks for sale, commissions, and show.
Since 2014, Christopher has been making art relating to Post Personalism, a contemporary art movement that engages awakening concepts in relation to human identify and artistic creativity.
Prior to dedicating his work to the arts and his LLC, Christopher pursued a career working 17 years for a major international retail company which included serving managerial positions in Visual Merchandising and Marketing Operations departments.